Tuesday, October 8, 2013

The Short Macroview Group: Wednesday at 7pm

This group, led by Michael and Leah Short, is doing well also. Here are their observations from Session #2.

Observations: As God spoke creation into existence he was speaking a sermon about himself that lives on today. God engaged himself in the action of creation (past-tense), by creation's very nature God is creating (present tense) and God will continue to create (future tense). Author makes an interesting point about Gen1 regarding the nature of the text and its purpose as an encouragement to the Israelites. Many of us have always seen Genesis primarily as an historical account. To see it as an encouragement refocuses our attention onto the goodness of God. The creation is planned, personal, purposeful and ongoing. Inside of creation we learn that God embraces order and is able and willing to assess the creation and make judgments. We derive our place and authority from God. Our existence can always be traced back to God. The divine desires, purpose and intention is to deliver the creation back into harmony with the creator. Said another way restore unity of heaven and earth through Jesus. While the following (things) are part of it God's redemptive work it is not to merely stop the alcoholic from drinking or "heal" the LGBT community but to reintroduce the creation to its creator.

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